domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010

Pepito and the fish

Once upon a time. A ugly child called Pepito took the train in the station to go to the beach. The train was long and big.When it come to the beach, he stole a boat because he had to money.He draw a map to goo to fish, he fished a huge fish.
When he arrived devolved the boat and he gave some fish.
By:Yolanda,Alba,Chus y Raquel

3 comentarios:

  1. he steal, he had to money, to goo to fish, when he arrive devolved... todo esto son errores que os corregí... Teníais que publicar esto corregido. Repetidlo o crregidlo.

  2. Creo que ya está correcta,pero si hay algún error más dinoslo.

  3. When it come to the beach, he stole a boat --> When it arrived to the beach, he stole a boat

    he had to money, --> he had no money
    to goo to fish --> to go fishing
    when he arrive devolved--> when he arrived, he returned (devolvió)
